QUOTE of the DAY

I briefly turned around,and saw that out of the six or seven guys that are in the room, only the guy and I think only briefly, the guy who was looking through the camera lens, even wanted to look for more than a second!”-ROB-PATTZ (Jay Leno show june 16, 2010)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


KRISTEN STEWART has been home schooled ever since she was in middle school... she says kids use to tease her because she was an actress...  SHE LOVED the idea of being home schooled, and admits to just recently to have graduated high school with honors. SHE also admits to have re en acted a graduation scene the day she was on the ECLIPSE set and had some extras stand next to her and hand her a fake diploma for memory purposes. ALSO kristen talks about marriage and her points of views on the topic.

along with this article ROBERT PATTINSON admits to be responsible for the re-shoot's for the TENT scene since he's claustrophobic and being in that tent made him really nervous, though, he admits that KRISTEN STEWART takes all the credit of his performance in the tent scene since she kept him at ease through the whole scene by making him laugh.


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