QUOTE of the DAY

I briefly turned around,and saw that out of the six or seven guys that are in the room, only the guy and I think only briefly, the guy who was looking through the camera lens, even wanted to look for more than a second!”-ROB-PATTZ (Jay Leno show june 16, 2010)

Friday, June 11, 2010

HOT TABLOID kstew ready for theater

IT IS said that kristen stewart has met up with a producer and director to disscuss about her being part of a theatrical project   "LONDONS west end"....
it is said that the actress refferd to her want to play in theater and said "Unlike movie acting, you have to deliver the whole performance there and then. You live it every night. But anything I do will be small"
 read the rest of the article : HERE

my opinion
FIRST of all if we pay attention to the part where there's no name to this producer and director, so who are we talking about exactly that she talked to. 

now the london west end theater, holds differ plays, and in the article is says that kristen stewart says she want to have a feel of performing on stage. kristen stewart, get really nervous on stage. maybe if she did say this, she's trying to get conftrable working surounded by people who are criticising her work right there and then. but i wouldn't go by this article on what kristen supposly said since there's no back up to this interview like an audio, video, or not even a new picture.  also kristen stewart, it was said that she was discoverd in one of her school plays, so she has done the live performance already.

ON MEETING WITH this producer/director well the man is a producer and director and she is an actress so maybe she's working on a new film project not speciffically a play... that will involve her working over seas.

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