QUOTE of the DAY

I briefly turned around,and saw that out of the six or seven guys that are in the room, only the guy and I think only briefly, the guy who was looking through the camera lens, even wanted to look for more than a second!”-ROB-PATTZ (Jay Leno show june 16, 2010)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

stehpanie meyer talks kstew's bing ill & rpatz bing there for her

Twifans.com: (LTT asks) How does Stephenie Meyer pick her battles? by twifans

Kim: The re-shoot worked. It was great. The emotion that was in the book was in that scene. 
SM: It was interesting, because the original script for it, I was fine with but then they tweaked the script because they felt like one part of the conversation got a lot more in depth in the original we kind of already knew. You know, you have the whole rehash when Edward’s talking about “when I first met her” and they pulled that and instead went with the later part of the scene where Jacob’s like “how did you cope?” And I think the emotionality of it just went through the roof.
Kim: The dialogue between Rob and Jake, I mean Edward and Jacob
Alison: And it was so long, and I loved how long it was
SM: Yeah! I love that they just let it happen. I think that, that was Rob’s best day of shooting.It was so funny, did you guys hear all the rumors about the problems? Rob was only supposed to be there for the last day. The first two were Jacob and Bella scenes where the wig had been a problem. The last day was the tent was the tent and that was it & it was a pretty easy shoot. The only problem for that day was that Kristen had the stomach flu and luckily, she was supposed to lay there, but between every like scene, oh, she was so sick. And Taylor, he was over digging around, grabbing garbage cans. Why is Taylor taking the garbage? Takes them over there so she could puke in them.
It was so sweet. Everybody was taking care of her and everything, but it was a hard day. You look at actors and a lot of people are like “I wanna be an actor” it’s so hard and then to sit there. She’s wanting to puke and she’s all feverish, and she’s having to do the shivering. She was a work horse that day. That was our only drama was that poor Kristen got sick, and I think it was food poisoning. But it was a great shoot. It was one of those days where at the end you’re like “We really killed it today! It’s gonna be great!” It was a great day.

want to hear the audio go HERE!!!!!

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