QUOTE of the DAY

I briefly turned around,and saw that out of the six or seven guys that are in the room, only the guy and I think only briefly, the guy who was looking through the camera lens, even wanted to look for more than a second!”-ROB-PATTZ (Jay Leno show june 16, 2010)

Friday, July 16, 2010


ANGRY EDWARD: stephanie mayer was un pleased by that scene; she walked out hear it. 

Twifans.com asks Stephenie Meyer her thoughts on AngryEdward & when Edward threatens Jacob by twifans

what scene she was talking about 

MOTORCYCLE: bella would never do that to edward, she would never ditch him like that 

stephanie meyers oppinion on the volvo 

Twifans.com asks Stephenie Meyer to explain the wrong Volvo by twifans
CULLEN CAR'S : in movie are not what stephanie wanted 


FOR MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC go to : twifans.com

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