QUOTE of the DAY

I briefly turned around,and saw that out of the six or seven guys that are in the room, only the guy and I think only briefly, the guy who was looking through the camera lens, even wanted to look for more than a second!”-ROB-PATTZ (Jay Leno show june 16, 2010)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

robsten secret combersation

Translation for what robert was saying to kristen on the BLACK carpet in the nokia theater curtsy of  ANNIX3 from twifans 

Rob says: "... In this dress".
Kristen: "What?"
Rob: "You look hot in this dress"
Kristen: "Yeah, I'm hot!"
Rob: "Yes"
Kristen: "Do you like my dress?"
Taylor: "What?"
Kris: "You like this dress?"
Taylor: "Yes

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